I once read that in order to be an expert in a particular niche that you need to read anywhere from 5 to 7 books on a subject or something like that. The point is that if you are going to get in the info business your job is to become a sleuth and find out what these markets want as far as an info product. What are there problems and you supply the solution.
Here are some tips to get you going.
Go to the library and get as many books on the subject as possible. This is probably one of the best techniques that you can do that will not cost you a dime. Also, check to see if your library has a presence on the web and look to see what books are available from other branches that your branch might not carry. Order them and have them sent to your branch.
Hop over to your Barnes and Noble or other big bookstore in the area. Take a day and go through the books to see what books are not available at the library. Grab a few books and a cup of coffee and sit down and skim through them and take notes or talk into a recorder. The object here is to pay attention to the contents page and hit the highlights. I talk about how to do this in the course as well. The point is to get a "feel" for the content.
Then of course there is the web. Go to Amazon and do some searching in their files. Here you can find books, magazines, DVDs, audios, and e-books all related to your niche. Here's a tip, if you don't find a lot of info on your subject then you might be onto a niche that doesn't have a lot of competition. This is a good thing and doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't any demand for the subject. It just means that there are not many authors writing about it. Amazon is probably one of the best free research tools that really has a pulse on what people are buying. Although they are not free you can pick up some titles that you don't have or you can do the free method.
Amazon on most of their titles has a "search inside" feature which allows you to look at the table of contents and preview of a chapter or so. Look at the table of contents and take notes. These are good starters that can give you ideas for products and also questions that you can go on the web and research yourself. For instance, let's say that you have a book on yoga and the first chapter according to the table of contents is the "top five yoga stances". You can go off and research that answer on the web.
Just using these techniques above will give you enough knowledge to become a expert in no time and it will not cost you a fortune in the process. Remember, you don't have to have a PhD in a subject you just need the ability to plug in the holes of what a niche needs answered. The "expert" part comes in when you supply the answers.